Have you ever had a carefully orchestrated plan completely fall apart? If so, you will certainly be able to appreciate this years zany comedy. A very ordinary London cabby finds himself in a very extraordinary predicament.. He has two wives, and two homes.! Unfortunately for him, one small act of heroism , two well intentioned but persistent detectives, two intrusive neighbors, and two increasingly agitated wives, threaten to unravel his world! You’ll be sure to enjoy his discomfort as things heat up!
Cast: Cabbie Bill Burkett
Wives: Diane Thorpe, Roxy Matthys
Detectives: Ben Amundson & Mark Wilkinson
Neighbors: Travis Thorpe, Co Walker
Press Photographer: Pat Kolstad
Directed by: Eva Srubar, with assistance from
Dan Hoffmann and Hope Vicich
Show dates: August 24-27 @ 7 pm
Sunday Aug 28 @ 5 pm
Admission $7.00 at the door
Location: The Cumberland Arts Center 1595 2nd Ave.