It’s a Scream!: A Horror-bly Funny Comedy by David DeBoy
Show dates:
Friday Oct 19th 7pm
Saturday Oct 20th 7pm
Sunday Oct 21st 2pm Matinee
Thursday Oct 25th 7pm
Friday Oct 26th 7pm
Saturday Oct 27th7pm
Tickets are $8.00 each and can be purchased in advance at Peter and Annie’s World Market or at the theatre on the night of the performance.
Spencer Pierce has just inherited his father’s film studio and wants to make a few changes. The studio specializes in horror films and their biggest star is Alexander Moreau. Spencer has come to inform Moreau that he is not renewing his contract. Moreau offers to demonstrate that he is still one scary guy. His proposition: if he can scare Spencer out of his wits, he gets a contract and creative control. Moreau makes repeated attempts to scare Pierce, to convince him that he still has what it takes. Pierces chauffeur, Maxie, mixes it up with Moreau’s maid, Maria Yocknestor, and Elisabeth Lizzie Borden tries to get in on the action by rubbing elbows with the actor and producer.
Cast: Mike Clay, Dan Hoffman, Amanda Hammond, Hope Vicich, Andy Bangsberg
Directed by: Tom Toftness and Dan Hoffmann.