Travis Thorp plays the hero cowboy, and Amy Braml is the new schoolmarm and heroine. Down at Sam’s (Diane Thorp) Saloon you will meet ruffians played by Phil Warner and John Westin and Saloon singers played by Jaime Helgeson, Karen Matthys and Zoe Hile, as well as cowboys played by Jim Kerr, Jim Bryce, Jim Schweiger, and Abraham Ortiz. Livia Barker, Juliana Braml, Libby DeJardin, Caitlin Harris and Micah Weltzin play the school children and Craig Bucher, Jeanne Beck, George Strom, Sharai Hefty, Bob Chubb, Roxie Matthys and Dave Evenson play the good townsfolk. Larry Vetter on banjo, Diane Stone on violin and various guitarists accompany. Dave Evenson wrote and directs Cactus Butte, USA.
Show dates are Thursday- Saturday, August 23-25, at 7PM, and Sunday August 26 at 5 PM. All admissions are $7.00 at the door; there are no advance tickets. Take a break from the midway and split your sides laughing in air-conditioned comfort at The Cumberland ETC.